Thursday, February 16, 2017

We live result-oriented

We live result-oriented, we live goal-oriented, we live with intention, with desire:"

Things should be like this, then I will be happy. If they are not like this then I'm going to be unhappy."

That's why we are so frustrated.

Buddha says: Your frustration comes from your intentions. Your intentions seem to be going against reality; then you are frustrated.

Drop intentions, drop desires, and just move moment to moment with reality,wherever it leads. Just become a driftwood; just float with the stream and youwill never be frustrated.

Frustration comes whenever there is conflict between you and the real.

And remember, the real is going to win; you cannot win against the real. Nobody can win against God; that's not possible, that doesn't happen.

You can win only with Him.
Whenever you succeed remember, somehow,accidentally you must have been with Him.

All success simply means this: that unknowingly you must have stepped with Him, and that's why you have succeeded.

Failure means that unknowingly you must have stepped against Him.

Failure is an indication, success is an indication.

A man who has learned this drops all his intentions. He has no private desires.

'Right intention' means no intention on your part. Then the universe flows through you. Then the universe goes on fulfilling its intention through you. You become a vehicle."

Please," the little man prayed, "you know me. I am always praying to you and yet I have had nothing but bad luck, misery, sickness and despair all my life.

And look at the butcher next door. He's never prayed in his life, and yet he has nothing but prosperity, health and joy. How come a believer like me is always introuble and he is always doing good?"

Suddenly a big booming voice sounded in his ear, "Because the butcher is not always bugging me, that's why!"

Now, your prayer can be a 'bugging'. What are your prayers? -- your prayers areyour intentions, the desires that you would like fulfilled.

What are your prayers?
Your prayers are always against God. And look at the absurdity: you are praying to God, and the prayer is basically against God -- because if it is not against God then there is no point in praying.

You are ill: if you trust God that means you know that God wants you to be ill. This is how you are at this moment, this is what God's will is.

You accept it.

Then your prayer is only of gratitude. You don't beg for anything, you simply thank Him: "Thank you for making me ill. Thank you, because I know it must be needed.

I may not understand, but I know you give me whatsoever is needed, whenever it is needed."

You don't go to the temple or the church or the mosque and ask for help. If you ask, you are going against God. That which has happened already cannot happen against the will of the whole, whatsoever it is.

If it is a dark night,then you must be in need of a dark night.

The Discipline of Transcendence, Vol 4Chapter #3

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