Wednesday, January 4, 2017


You suddenly become aware one day, where is that darkness? where is that continuous rush of thoughts? where has the mind gone? Suddenly you are absolutely as hollow as a bamboo; but your hollowness is not empty – it is full of joy and full of rejoicing. You will dance for no reason at all, you will sing for no reason at all, songs that you have not composed, dances that you have not learned. They are just bubbling spontaneously in your Consciousness. “
 The Great Pilgrimage: From Here to Here, Talk #9

“ Many people come to me and say, "We love your discourses, but we don't want to meditate and we don't want to become sannyasins. Isn't it enough," they ask, "just to listen to your beautiful discourses?" It is utterly futile!

Just to listen to my discourses is very stupid. If you are not going to act, don't waste time -- it is an exercise in futility! If you just go on listening to me and never act, my words may be soothing, my words may be consoling, my words may be convincing, you may enjoy what I am saying intellectually, you may enjoy the space that is created by my presence, but this alone is not going to help. Action is absolutely needed.

If you are convinced of some truth, act upon it, and act immediately! -- because mind is very cunning, and the greatest cunningness of the mind is postponement. It says, "Tomorrow..." and tomorrow never comes. It says, "Yes, we are going to meditate one day. Let us first understand what meditation is." And then you can go on understanding what meditation is your whole life, and you will never act. And unless you act nothing is ever going to happen, no transformation is going to happen.

Sannyas is a commitment. It is actively showing your love towards me. It is getting involved with my destiny. It is entering into my boat. It is dangerous -- it is safer to stand on the bank and listen. Then it is a kind of entertainment -- a spiritual entertainment! -- but utterly useless, just killing time. “
The Dhammapada - The Way of the Buddha, Vol 1

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